Nested Dynamic Routing in Astro

Example of nested dynamic-routing


Example to work with nested (or multi) dynamic routing.

We will generate some pages using the following JSON:

  { "make": "ford",  "model": "focus",    "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "ford",  "model": "explorer", "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "ford",  "model": "fiesta",   "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "dodge", "model": "durango",  "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "dodge", "model": "caravan",  "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "honda", "model": "civic",    "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "honda", "model": "accord",   "description": "a car", "image": "..." },
  { "make": "honda", "model": "pilot",    "description": "a car", "image": "..." }

and we want our urls to be:

Astro page

We want to have our URLs like


For this, our file structure should be:

+- [make]/ 
  +- [model].astro 


(1)folder[make] - a folder
(2)file[model].astro - a file inside the [make] folder


import BaseLayout from './../../../../../layouts/BaseLayout.astro';
import makemodel from './makemodel.json'; 

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  let returnedAry = [];

  makemodel.forEach((entry) => { 
        // params for the url
      params: { make: entry.make, model: entry.model },
        // any props we want to send to page-level
      props: { 
        description: entry.description,
        image: entry.image

  return returnedAry;

// page-level 
const { make, model } = Astro.params;
const { description, image } = Astro.props;
<BaseLayout title={`Car Page - ${make} ${model}`}>
  <h1>{make} <small>{model}</small></h1>
  <h3>{description} - {model} - {make}</h3>
  <img src={image} width="197" />

img { border:9px solid #abd; }


(1)import our data
(2)iterate our data
(3)work on our params for the URL. We need a make and a model
(4)other props we want to make available at page-level
(5)start our page-level code


These are the pages generated:

dist-output ixmage{"ignore":true}


Your data may not be as simple as my makemodel JSON example, and you may need to do an iteration inside an initial “outer” iteration.

The same principle applies to fill the returnedAry with the proper params.

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