Astro Moonwalks

Project that turns moonwalks into pages

Astro Moonwalks

This is a sidekick project to the Discord Bot Moonwalker, the discord bot that serializes discord forum threads to JSON.

You can find this project here github repo

Read the Moonwalker Blog Post


Now discord has channels of type Forum, where conversations are held in thread-type form. Some of these threads hold focused discussions with valuable information that can prove useful for others (like from a troubleshooting session).

These forum conversations tend to explore/evolve a specific topic and eventually arrive at a resolution; unlike normal discord channels, which can also be topic based, but their message count just keeps growing.

The main purpose of the Moonwalker bot is to have a way to grab a forum thread, and serialize its contents, typically to JSON. This content can then be processed further and turned into webpages, using the astro-moonwalks project.

How to use this project

The following steps are required regardless of the configuration of the Moonwalker bot.

# grab a copy of the project
git clone
# go into project folder
cd astro-moonwalks
# install dependencies
npm install

With the hosted version of Moonwalker

Pairing this project to a discord server where Moonwalker has been setup and some threads have been published.

These steps are all that is needed.

With your self-hosted Moonwalker

When you are running your own version or Moonwalker, you must have configured it to serialize the moonwalks into either an S3 bucket, or the bot’s filesystem.

[2022.11] There could potentially be other modes of serialization that could be considered more advanced.

S3 mode

If you configured your Moonwalker to use S3 mode, then you can use the .env.s3 file.

TODO: Add a section where the bucket is not public.

Filesystem mode

If you configured your Moonwalker to use FS mode, then you will need to do the following:

In Action (locally)

You can see the site in action by running

npm run dev

If everything goes well, you can visit http://localhost:3000 to see a list of your threads, and click into them for the details.

Generate static Html

The following command will generate a series of html files in a /dist folder.

npm run build


To deploy your site to the WWW, please follow the documentation in / deploys



A Discord Forum thread that has been published using the Moonwalker bot.


The Discord Bot that serializes the forum threads (creates moonwalks) into JSON files.

🚀 Project Structure

This project started from an empty project from npm create astro@latest

There are a few components to handle some pieces for the moonwalks.

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